Arthur the Austere
Balsam Root
Billy the Brainy
Bountiful Bridgers
Brad the Bubbly
Brianna the Bright
Brody's Big Sky
Cecil the Captivating
Cecilia the Conceded
Charlie the Chuffed
Cornelius the Calm
Donald the Daring
Enid the Electrifying
Enzo the Eldest
Ernest the Electric
Freddy the Farsighted
Hubert the Hesitant
Lester the Laborer
Nosegay Bouquet
Polly the Punctual
Ramses the Recherché
Rollo the Rational
Sandy the Sociable
Shimmering Streams
Soren the Sleek
Thelma the Talker
Vlad the Variable
Wacky Watermelon
Whimsical Wonders
Whitman the Witty
Wiley the Watery